Tuesday 13 November 2012

Our Study of the Blackfoot

We have been learning about the Blackfoot.  They were the First Nations people to live in our community.  We were able to borrow real artifacts from Fort Calgary.  An artifact is something cool from along time ago that tells us stories about people.  Here are some of the artifacts that we were able to see, to smell, to listen to, and to touch.

Sunday 4 November 2012

New Educational Links

Check out some of our new educational links and keep up to date on what we are learning about in class!  Just click on the links.  They are also posted in the various subject pages.  Have fun:)

Language Arts

Spelling Words

Beginning Sound Puzzle

Simple Sentences

Dr. Abby's Beginning Sound Lab

Rhyming Rap in Mrs Sharpes Class


Caterpillar Number Order

Pattern Machine

Sunday 21 October 2012

Community Map Finished

We have been working very hard in our classroom on finishing the map of our community.  It is finally finished!  Students have created many different places that people live, work, and play in our community. Most importantly, they made sure to add the most important part of a community--the people!  Hope you enjoy their work!  Feel free to leave a comment at the end of the post!

Thursday 18 October 2012

Our Community in the Past

We started to look at our community in the past.  We wondered "Who were the first people to live in our community?".  Take a look at some of our answers.

I think our grandmas and grandpas were. ~ Brooklyn

I think it was our moms and dads. ~ Enata

I think it was Canadians. ~ Nathan

It was definitely God because it was Him because.  He made us first so I think He lived here first.  He made us so we could live in peace. ~Juran

Well I think it was love parents. ~Maddy

I think moms and dads. ~Alyssa

I think people from other countries that were borned first, like Cambodia.~Joshua

I think the people that first lived in our community were our great, great grandmothers. ~Jeremy.

It was my grandma because she died because she got too old. ~Noah

The first people that I think lived here was my mom and dad because my mom said it was and she never lies. ~ Shelby.

It was the army men. ~Triston

It was us when we were little babies. ~Jayda

It was the farmers because my dad told me so. ~Heidi

The first people to live here were the canadian grandmas and grandpas. ~Shaun

Me and my dad lived here before the army men came. ~ Chris

The first ones to live here was my Nana.  She was 10 when she moved here. ~Emily

I think the birds were the first to live here. ~Austin

I think that animals lived their first then us in the trees. ~Jordan

Sunday 14 October 2012

Pattern Work

In Math, we are still working on making patterns and continuing, or extending, a pattern.  Last week, we started to explore translating a pattern.  In grade one terms, that means taking a pattern and making it in a new way.  Check out some of our pattern partner work.

Friday 5 October 2012

Teacher's Pet Field Trip--Community

Yesterday, we had an in-school field trip with Teacher's Pet.  Community Kate came into our classroom and led us on a fun and exciting discovery of what a community is as we looked at our own community.  We went to four different stations.  We learned about rural and urban communities, what our rights and responsibilities are in our community, what groups we belong to in our community, and we did a puppet show on how we can work with our neighbors in our community to solve problems.  Here are some of our highlights:

We made a puzzle about the communities we belong to like Canada~ Jeremy

I learned to play puppets and we played black shoe to help our puppets solve a problem~Juran

I belong to the Cambodian community. ~ Joshua

I learned that there are different ways to vote. ~Triston

I learned different ways to pick which way you and a friend want to play a game like black shoe black shoe, flip a coin, and eenie, meenie, minnie, moe.~Shelby.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

What is a community?

We have been learning about what a community is.  We watched a song about community helpers.  We brainstormed places in our community that are important, like the firestation, the swimming pool,  the park, our houses, Safeway, the dollar store, MAC's, and Subway.  We learned about what an architect is and what they do.  We wanted to be an architect, so we decided to make blue prints of our community.  Check out our blue print maps.

My teacher helped to draw a road. ~Jordan

I learned how to draw McDonald's. ~Noah

Ours had three roads, an ice cream truck,and  two houses so far. ~Maddy

We made a road and we drawed one house and we made trees and made spikey trees. ~Brooklynn

Fall Patterns

Yesterday in math, we took all the items we collected on our fall scavenger hunt and we sorted them.  Today we decided to make fall patterns.  Check out the neat patterns that we made from our very own schoolyard!

I did pinecone, pumpkin seed, pinecone, pumpkin. ~ Shelby

I made pinecone, leaf. ~ Arian

My pattern was pinecone, leaf, pinecone, leaf.~ Emmanuel

I made leaf, pinecone, leaf, pinecone.~ Christopher

My pattern is acorn, leaf, acorn, leaf.~ Alyssa.

Monday 1 October 2012

Fall Findings

We have been learning about Fall.  Today we went on a fall scavenger hunt in our schoolyard.  We had to look for different things like leaves, bark, stones, pinecones, grass, acorns, and flowers.  We are going to do some math with all the things we found today.

Me and my buddies, we looked for  flowers and we saw all kinds of good coloured leaves.  Some were still green and we also looked for rocks. ~ Brooklynn

We didn't find acorns, but we found bark, shells, and then grass and wood.  ~ Maddy

Me and Triston learned that no leaves turn green in the fall because green is the main colour when they start growing.~ Jeremy

Leaves are not green in the fall~ Noah

Me and Skyler found acorns and then grass.~ Joshua

We found red leaves and some bark and a stick and a pine cone.
~  Heidi


Sunday 30 September 2012

Our Footprints

Welcome to our grade one class!  Our school inquiry question this year is, "Where will our footprints take us and what will they leave behind".   We are very excited to be blogging this year and sharing our learning with you as we discover together where our feet will take us and what our learning and actions will leave behind!