Wednesday 9 January 2013

Foot Math

In math we have been working on a measuring activity using our feet.  We traced our foot and had to figure out how many cubes long our foot was.  We then used our "cube ruler" to go and find a friend in the classroom whose foot was longer and shorter than ours.  

In Social Studies we are continuing a project we started before Christmas and are continuing to work on creating our gingerbread men communities.  Stay tuned for upcoming pictures!

In literacy, we have had help from our reading buddy "Stretchy the Snake".  He helps us to remember to "stretch" out the sounds when we read and write words.  We have been writing about New Year's goals for this coming year.  Here are some of our goals:

This year I plan to ride my bike to Superstore.--Arian

This year I plan to sleep better in my bedroom downstairs.--Jordan

This year I plan to make my bed by myself.--Alyssa

This year I plan to clean my room by myself.--Jeremy

This year I plan to be better at drawing pictures.--Joshua

This year I plan to pass the puck better to my teammates.--Shaun

This year I plan to learn to skate because I want to play hockey.--Enata

Check out the new links on the Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, and Science pages for some really cool learning websites!

1 comment:

  1. My goal is to come out and help in the classroom more in 2013!

    Great work girls and boys. I love reading about what you are doing...thanks Ms. Derdall
